Learn about Chihuahua dog – the smallest short haird dogs in the world

12/21/2015 Add Comment
Do you want to own a Chihuahua - it is the dogs are classified in categories smallest short haired dogs in the world. With his/her small stature, Chihuahuas are loved and pampered as their own children by many people. They can follow you, disturb you every time it is kittenish, but it is also really obedient and fairly docile when you're busy.
 the dogs are smallest short haired dogs in the world
Chihuahua - the dogs are smallest short haired dogs in the world

Origin of Chihuahua today

Currently in the world there is not a formal document that says exactly Chihuahua dogs have originated from?
Many researchers believe that Chihuahuas originated from Mexico. Inherently they have names like that is because they are named after a village near the border with the United States which are given that's where they were born.
Chihuahua dogs mexico
Chihuahua Mexico
There are different information that Chinese people get Chihuahua is a dog of them. Really very sorry for Chihuahua when they said that. And of course most of them said that the Chihuahua is sourced from Mexico.
Chihuahua dogs China
Chihuahua China

Features of Chihuahua dog

Known as one of the world's smallest breed, they have little body, look very funny cute and lovely. With a body like that, male dogs  weighing about 1.5 kg, females is about 1 kg only.
Chihuahua dogs - smallest breed
Chihuahua dogs - world's smallest breed
Small head, big ears, thick, and vertically,snub- nosed as Pinscher, chest, abdomen slender, 4 small leg. 2 of Chihuahua eyes rolled, distance of two relatively wide eyes.
They have short and soft hair, or long and silky. Some Chihuahua have red hair, blond, blue, or colored chocolate, whole-coloured, spotted or mottled.
Chihuahua has short hair
Chihuahua has short hair
The unique features of the Chihuahua baby dog was on top with a very soft spot, similar to the characteristics of a newborn baby. They are small enough to enable to put in women’s bag to bring walking street or put in the coat pocket.
chihuahua in the bag
Chihuahua in the bag
On appearance, many people mistakenly believe chihuahua with Miniature Pinscher, or Beijing. These are completely different dog and unrelated to each other. If you look closely a little, then you can easily recognize their differences.

TIPS - You are looking for a name for your dog.

12/03/2015 Add Comment
After looking for a dog that you like, the dog's name is the next step you should think about. You are looking for a name for your dog. Have you ever wondered what should i name my dog.?
A good name for boy dogs or a good name for girl dogs, significance and fit or not will depend on the characteristics and personality of the dog and of course that's your hobby too.
what should i name my dog.?
A goog name for dog
With a few notes and suggestions will help you know how to choose and think of a suitable name for naming his/her:

  • Do not take the name of the dog is identical to the voice command such as sit, catch, run, lie .... Because, it becomes difficult in the process of teaching, training them.
  • The name should be short, easy to remember, easy to pronounce, easy listening: Bob, Johnny, Buddy, Luci or Mun, Tun, Bim Bim ...
If you want to set a new name for the dog instead of the old name of its owner ,the new name should be heard sounds similar to the old name like the Luci into Lucky, Lulu into Lily...
name for boy dogs - 1
Name for boy dog
Try calling the dog by some names and see their reacts to these names, so you know your dog likes to be called by which name
Name for girl dog - 2
Name for girl dog
You can name your dog based on the character or appearance of thier such as Shaggy, trash talking, fat... or the name of a character in stories, novels you love (Liar ...), the names of gods (Hercules, Venus), named the stars, name gemstones (Ruby), natural phenomena (thunder, lightning, tornadoes, waterspouts)...
name for dog pet
You should name your dog
A delicate matter and sensitive you should not make is naming your dog by the name of a person in your relative or friend. Ideally you should consult them before you can borrow their name for his/her. Name the dog not too difficult, is it ? But anyway a good name also need to ensure easy to remember, easy to call and when you call it, you are excited and happy. Here are a few other common names that you can refer to:
Example names for dogs: Boby, Harley, Sam, Buddy, Tom, Mickey, Sophie, Katie, Coco, Maggie, Lady, Boo, Bum, Candy, Teddy, Tuna, Troll, Sumo, Rocket, Casey, Rocky ...

Name some famous dogs: Pluto, Brian Griffin, Scooby Doo...
name-a-famous dog-brian-griffin-1
Brian Griffin - Name a famous dog
name-a-famous dog-pluto-1
Pluto - Name a famous dog
name-a-famous dog-scooby_doo-1
Scooby Doo - Name a famous dog

How many dogs are in the world.?

11/26/2015 Add Comment
Currently in the world there are so many dogs. They are distinguished based on many factors such as: national, geographic location, color, height, weight, purpose (dog racing, pet ...) ... But how common discrimination easiest and most know that is based on the length of hair. Based on such factors, it can be divided into 2 categories dogs are: long haired dogs  and short haired dogs.
How many dogs are in the world
How many dogs are in the world.?
Long haired dogs are dogs with long fur between 5cm or more. They often come from the cold countries. They are fairly large and eat a lot. The long-haired dogs mainly: Borzoi, King Charles Cavalier-Spariel, Papillon, Shi Tzu, Alaskan Malamute, Husky ...
Long haired dogs - Borzoi
Borzoi dogs is a long haired dogs
Long haired dogs - Husky
Husky dog is long haired dogs
Short haired dogs are dogs with hair length 5cm smaller. They mainly come from the tropics, hot climate. Dogs are very diverse from height, weight, color ... The short-haired dogs are popular:
Chihuahua, Pug, English bull, French bull, Rottweiler, Pit Bull American ...
The short haired dogs - Pug
Pug dog is a short haired dogs
The short haired dogs - Chihuahua
Chihuahua dog is a short haired dogs
The short haired and small dogs are often very popular worldwide. Small appearance makes them cute, easy to maintain and move. However, long haired dogs also very loved for long coat easy shaping thereof.
Dogs are friends of people
Dogs are friends of people
In the world there are thousands of dogs. cultural mix was created a lot of new types of dogs. Dogs are friends of people. So we should love and protect them.